


Creating a RPM for x64 RHEL Platforms

Added by Luciano Avendano over 4 years ago


I'm hoping someone has experience creating an RPM, specifically, with these instructions included "Install Climate Data Operator (CDO) with NetCDF, GRIB2 and HDF5 support". Please share any insight or How To's as I am trying to figure out the best way of approaching this requirement. We have to track our software via YUM, so I just can't compile it on to the system and use the binaries. We have to deploy it via a RPM to better track and update our third-party software.
Any guidance or feedback is appreciated.

Replies (2)

RE: Creating a RPM for x64 RHEL Platforms - Added by Ralf Mueller over 4 years ago


There are pre-build rpms. I think you can find them here


RE: Creating a RPM for x64 RHEL Platforms - Added by Luciano Avendano over 4 years ago

Thanks for the response. I'm taking a look at all the provided packages. Most are for OpenSUSE or Fedora, so I'm wondering if they will be compatible with our RHEL systems. Although, they are all red hat equivalent flavors, but of course, the subtleties between distributions.
