


ERA-Interim parameters are not defined in CDO

Added by Beata Szabo-Takacs about 5 years ago

Dear All,
I downloaded 0.75x0.75 resolution ERA-Interim surface (2m temperature, 10 m U, 10 m V, surface pressure and total precipitation), upper air (geopotential, relative humidity, U, V and W wind components) and invariant data (geopotential) in October 2016 in Europe field. I tried to convert the data to ARL format for HYSPLIT-4 but I got an error. I checked the downloaded .grib files in CDO with cdo sinfon file.grib I found that the parameter names are var165, var166, var167 in the case of surface data. I also downloaded the surface data from the dataset in NetCDF file and I checked it in CDO with the same way and I got the correct paramete names: sp, u10, v10, t2m, tp. I do not know if the downloaded .grib files are wrong or the CDO cannot handle these files?
Thank you for your response in advance!

Replies (1)

RE: ERA-Interim parameters are not defined in CDO - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 5 years ago

Hi Beata,

the CDOs need a parameter table for the GRIB file to decode the variable codes to variable names, units etc. If you have downloaded a netcdf file from whatever web page I would suppose that it already had used such a parameter table to generate the file.

