


Netcdf4 installation error

Added by DEEPAK PRAJAPAT about 6 years ago

How to configure netcdf in cygwin. While configuring netcdf the following error occur-

configure: error: Can't find or link to the z library. Turn off netCDF-4 and opendap with --disable-netcdf-4 --disable-dap, or see config.log for errors.

i am using cdo

$ cdo -v
OpenMP: num_procs=4 max_threads=1 num_devices=0

No operator given!

usage : cdo [Options] Operator1 [-Operator2 [-OperatorN]]

-a Generate an absolute time axis
-b <nbits> Set the number of bits for the output precision
(I8/I16/I32/F32/F64 for nc1/nc2/nc4/nc4c/nc5; F32/F64 for grb2/srv/ext/ieg; P1 - P24 for grb1/grb2)
Add L or B to set the byteorder to Little or Big endian
--cmor CMOR conform NetCDF output
-C, --color Colorized output messages
--enableexcept <except>
-f, --format <format>
Format of the output file. (grb1/grb2/nc1/nc2/nc4/nc4c/nc5/srv/ext/ieg)
-g <grid> Set default grid name or file. Available grids:
n<N>, t<RES>, tl<RES>, global_<DXY>, r<NX>x<NY>, g<NX>x<NY>, gme<NI>, lon=<LON>/lat=<LAT>
-h, --help Help information for the operators
--history Do not append to NetCDF "history" global attribute
--netcdf_hdr_pad, --hdr_pad, --header_pad <nbr>
Pad NetCDF output header with nbr bytes
-k <chunktype> NetCDF4 chunk type: auto, grid or lines
-L Lock IO (sequential access)
-M Switch to indicate that the I/O streams have missing values
-m <missval> Set the missing value of non NetCDF files (default: -9e+33)
--no_warnings Inhibit warning messages
-O Overwrite existing output file, if checked
--operators List of all operators
-P <nthreads> Set number of OpenMP threads
--percentile <method>
Percentile method: nrank, nist, numpy, numpy_lower, numpy_higher, numpy_nearest
--precision <float_digits[,double_digits]>
Precision to use in displaying floating-point data (default: 7,15)
--reduce_dim Reduce NetCDF dimensions
-R, --regular Convert GRIB1 data from reduced to regular grid (cgribex only)
-r Generate a relative time axis
-S Create an extra output stream for the module TIMSTAT. This stream
contains the number of non missing values for each output period.
-s, --silent Silent mode
--sortname Alphanumeric sorting of NetCDF parameter names
-t <codetab> Set GRIB1 default parameter code table name or file (cgribex only)
Predefined tables: echam4 echam5 echam6 mpiom1 ecmwf remo cosmo002 cosmo201 cosmo202 cosmo203 cosmo205 cosmo250
--timestat_date <srcdate>
Target timestamp (time statistics): first, middle, midhigh or last source timestep.
-V, --version Print the version number
-v, --verbose Print extra details for some operators
-W Print extra warning messages
-z szip SZIP compression of GRIB1 records
aec AEC compression of GRIB2 records
jpeg JPEG compression of GRIB2 records
zip[_1-9] Deflate compression of NetCDF4 variables
Use option --operators for a list of all operators.
CDO version 1.9.3, Copyright (C) 2003-2018 Uwe Schulzweida
This is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
Report bugs to <>

Replies (3)

RE: Netcdf4 installation error - Added by Ralf Mueller about 6 years ago

if your CDO binary runs, why do you want to install netcdf manually?

the libnetcdf package should already be installed...


opening file in cdo 1.9.3 - Added by jyoti lodha about 6 years ago

Refer to above topic , I also found the same error, when I was converting my netcdf to grib file, When I installed the latest version of cdo 1.9.3
commond :
cdo -b 16 -f grb2 copy -chname,tas,t file.grb2

Error is:
cdo copy: Started child process "chname,tas,t (pipe1.1)".

cdo(2) chname: Open failed on ><
Unsupported file type (library support not compiled in)
To create a CDO application with NetCDF support use: ./configure --with-netcdf=<NetCDF root directory> ... *

RE: Netcdf4 installation error - Added by Ralf Mueller about 6 years ago

you dont need to compile CDO yourself under cygwin - there are pre-compiled binaries in the download area:

it should have netcdf-support compiled in
