


how to calculate monthly and yearly RX5day?Thanks.

Added by Wi Du over 7 years ago

Anyone uses CDO to calculate climate extreme indices?
Here, I faced some problems.
For example:
how to calculate the monthly and yearly RX5day incides using cdo eca_rx5day ifile outfile. It is only got a value for this 50 years, but I need the monthly values for each year and yearly value for this 50 years.
Does anybody know this? Plese help me, thanks.

Replies (4)

RE: how to calculate monthly and yearly RX5day?Thanks. - Added by Alvaro Diaz almost 7 years ago

Hello Wi Du,

I have the same problem, for another index (CDD), I used cdo eca_cdd ifile outfile, but I found a one value (30 years of data). I want the each year value to calculate the trends in my area.

How are you at dealing this problem?

I thank you in advance for the help.

RE: how to calculate monthly and yearly RX5day?Thanks. - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer almost 7 years ago

Hi Wi and Alvaro,

maybe a short Shell script is a solution. Here is an example using the Korn Shell:



  nyears=$(cdo nyear $infile)                           #-- how many years in infile
  set -A years $(cdo -s showyear $infile)               #-- retrieve the years

  y=${years[0]}                                         #-- initialize start year
  for ((i=1; i<=$nyears-1; ++i))                        #-- loop over all years
    y=`expr $y + 1`                                     #-- set year to be selected
    cdo -eca_rx5day -selyear,$y $infile out_${i}.nc     #-- highest five day precipitation amount per selected year

  cdo -cat out_*.nc $outfile                            #-- concatenate yearly output files to


Maybe this will help.

RE: how to calculate monthly and yearly RX5day?Thanks. - Added by John Johnson about 4 years ago

Dear Karin,

I have similar problem. I m using CORDEX DATA and would like to compute rx5day for each month and year for the period of 2021/2050 but the result I am getting is for just one year (2050). I tried your script but there is an error here set -A years $(cdo -s showyear $infile). I got this error >>>set: -A: invalid option.
Has anyone has a solution on how can compute rx5day for each month and year?


RE: how to calculate monthly and yearly RX5day?Thanks. - Added by Ramaraj AP almost 4 years ago

Dear karin,

Thanks a lot for the script, it works perfect for me
