


Regridding vectors

Added by Kazik K over 8 years ago


I'm trying to regrid and interpolate vector values from WAM model output.
I got WAM model netCDF output in rotated grid, I need to interpolate it to another grid which is some variant of LAEA projection.

For scalar I used SCRIP (from fortran source) to produce remap source and destination addresses and coefficients. Then I used the result .nc file to make interpolation in python (i.e. to make final nc files for output grid).

What should I do to regrid vector? Should I rotate it before regridding?
Are there such tools in CDO? I thought that I could use cartopy.vector_transform, but I'm not sure how to specify my source Coordinate Reference System (

Could all of that be done using CDO operators only?
Or any other tools like NCAR NCL?

Any help would be appreciated,

Replies (1)

RE: Regridding vectors - Added by Ralf Mueller over 8 years ago

what about the rotuvb operator?
