


Converting to netcdf format

Added by Praveen Rai 7 days ago


I am trying to convert ieg format file to netcdf format (it is a REMO model output). I tried the following command and got 'std::logic_error':

cdo -t remo -f nc copy e031001e_c167_200601
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
what(): basic_string: construction from null is not valid

I am using CDO 2.1.1 version. I saw a post where it was mentioned that this error was probably due to a bug in this version but at the moment I don't have a option to upgrade the CDO version. Is there any other way to do this task in this version of CDO or upgrading is the only option left?


Replies (2)

RE: Converting to netcdf format - Added by Uwe Schulzweida 7 days ago

Yes, this is a bug in version 2.1.1 and an update is essential!

RE: Converting to netcdf format - Added by Praveen Rai 7 days ago

Thanks for the quick reply, Uwe. Will try to update.
