


Regridding cam file to blom grid

Added by Sébastien Barthélémy 4 months ago


I would like to regrid atmospheric CAM outputs to the oceanic BLOM grid. The BLOM grid is defined in a netcdf file: I have tried the following:

cdo -griddes > mygrid
cdo -selname,mygrid

The grid type of BLOM is considered to be generic and therefore I get the well known error message: "cdo remapbic (Abort): Unsupported target grid type (generic)!"
However the lon/lat information in each point of the grid are contained in

double plon(y, x) ;
        plon:units = "degrees_east" ;
        plon:long_name = "Longitude at p-points" ;
        plon:corners = "pclon" ;
double plat(y, x) ;
        plat:units = "degrees_north" ;
        plat:long_name = "Latitude at p-points" ;
        plat:corners = "pclat" ;

Therefore, before I get into programming my own horizontal 2D interpolation program from CAM to BLOM I would like to know if this is possible to do it with cdo.
Thanks in advance for any insight on the question.


Replies (3)

RE: Regridding cam file to blom grid - Added by Estanislao Gavilan 4 months ago

Hi Sebastien,

You can perfectly do it. The problem must be in the grid or the cam file. Can you output the attributes of both files? I suspect the cam file does not have the coordinate attribute.

Best regards,


RE: Regridding cam file to blom grid - Added by Sébastien Barthélémy 4 months ago

Hi Estanislao,

Based on the error message, I would say that the problem comes from the destination grid, that of blom. Here is the output of the attributes of the cam file:

cdo -griddes
cdi  warning (cdf_check_variables): Unsupported data type (char/string), skipped variable date_written!
cdi  warning (cdf_check_variables): Unsupported data type (char/string), skipped variable time_written!
# gridID 1
gridtype  = lonlat
gridsize  = 192
ysize     = 192
yname     = lat
ylongname = "latitude" 
yunits    = "degrees_north" 
yfirst    = -90
yinc      = 0.942408376963351
# gridID 2
gridtype  = generic
gridsize  = 1
# gridID 3
gridtype  = lonlat
gridsize  = 55296
xsize     = 288
ysize     = 192
xname     = lon
xlongname = "longitude" 
xunits    = "degrees_east" 
yname     = lat
ylongname = "latitude" 
yunits    = "degrees_north" 
xfirst    = 0
xinc      = 1.25
yfirst    = -90
yinc      = 0.942408376963351
cdo    griddes: Processed 13 variables [0.47s 15MB]

Here is the output of the attributes of the blom file:

cdi  warning (find_time_vars): Time variable >time< not found!
# gridID 1
gridtype  = generic
gridsize  = 138600
xsize     = 360
ysize     = 385
cdo    griddes: Processed 104 variables [0.21s 37MB]

It says that the blom grid is generic despite it contains the lonlat coordinates for the p-cells (those I am interested in) as shows the command:

ncdummp -h

netcdf grid {
    x = 360 ;
    y = 385 ;
    nv = 4 ;
    pcomp = 86708 ;
    qcomp = 88239 ;
    ucomp = 88642 ;
    vcomp = 87942 ;


    double plon(y, x) ;
        plon:units = "degrees_east" ;
        plon:long_name = "Longitude at p-points" ;
        plon:corners = "pclon" ;
    double plat(y, x) ;
        plat:units = "degrees_north" ;
        plat:long_name = "Latitude at p-points" ;
        plat:corners = "pclat" ;


// global attributes:
        :nreg = 2 ;

RE: Regridding cam file to blom grid - Added by Estanislao Gavilan 4 months ago

Hi Sebastien,

I think you need to add the attribute coordinates to the cam file as cdo needs that attribute for the remapping. Also, I thought BLOM uses a curvilinear grid. If that is the case you need to change the gridtype to curvilinear.

Best regards,

