


remapbil problem with MPIOM output: missing values in regridded field due to cyclic latitude definition?

Added by Malte Stuecker 6 months ago

I have MPIOM output that I want to regrid to a regular grid using:

cdo remapbil,r360x180

The regridded field has missing values that I assume are associated with a cyclic latitude definition problem (?) -- see attached file.

How should I adjust the command to avoid the missing value issue?


regrid.png (61.2 KB) regrid.png Regridded MPIOM data

Replies (9)

RE: remapbil problem with MPIOM output: missing values in regridded field due to cyclic latitude definition? - Added by Malte Stuecker 6 months ago

Output from ncdump:

time = UNLIMITED ; // (120 currently)
x = 256 ;
y = 220 ;
vertices = 4 ;
x_2 = 256 ;
y_2 = 220 ;
x_3 = 256 ;
y_3 = 220 ;
depth = 40 ;
depth_2 = 41 ;


Output from verifygrid:

cdo verifygrid: Grid no 1 (of 3) consists of 56320 (256x220) cells (type: curvilinear), of which
cdo verifygrid: 56320 cells have 4 vertices
cdo verifygrid: 74 cells have duplicate vertices
cdo verifygrid: 440 cells are not unique
cdo verifygrid: 50 cells are non-convex
cdo verifygrid: 33 cells have their vertices arranged in a clockwise order
cdo verifygrid: 415 cells have their center point located outside their boundaries
cdo verifygrid: lon : -179.9865 to 179.9932 degrees
cdo verifygrid: lat : -83.96551 to 89.7266 degrees
cdo verifygrid: Grid no 2 (of 3) consists of 56320 (256x220) cells (type: curvilinear), of which
cdo verifygrid: 56064 cells have 4 vertices
cdo verifygrid: 256 cells have unusable vertices
cdo verifygrid: 440 cells are not unique
cdo verifygrid: 256 cells are non-convex
cdo verifygrid: lon_2 : -179.9654 to 179.9794 degrees
cdo verifygrid: lat_2 : -83.9661 to 89.8187 degrees
cdo verifygrid: Grid no 3 (of 3) consists of 56320 (256x220) cells (type: curvilinear), of which
cdo verifygrid: 255 cells have 3 vertices
cdo verifygrid: 56065 cells have 4 vertices
cdo verifygrid: 255 cells have duplicate vertices
cdo verifygrid: 440 cells are not unique
cdo verifygrid: 254 cells are non-convex
cdo verifygrid: 2 cells have their vertices arranged in a clockwise order
cdo verifygrid: 221 cells have their center point located outside their boundaries
cdo verifygrid: lon_3 : -179.9962 to 179.994 degrees
cdo verifygrid: lat_3 : -83.96551 to 89.78878 degrees

RE: remapbil problem with MPIOM output: missing values in regridded field due to cyclic latitude definition? - Added by Uwe Schulzweida 6 months ago

Data on a MPIOM model grid have 2 extra columns, which have to be removed before interpolation:

cdo remapbil,r360x180 -sethalo,-1,-1 infile outfile

RE: remapbil problem with MPIOM output: missing values in regridded field due to cyclic latitude definition? - Added by Malte Stuecker 6 months ago

Thank you - I tried removing those two columns following your instruction but now receive the following error message:

cdo(1) sethalo: Process started

cdo(1) sethalo (Abort): Too many different grids!

RE: remapbil problem with MPIOM output: missing values in regridded field due to cyclic latitude definition? - Added by Uwe Schulzweida 6 months ago

With this operator, all input fields must be on the same grid. If there is more than one grid, select the data on the desired grid with selgrid:

cdo remapbil,r360x180 -sethalo,-1,-1 -selgrid,1 infile outfile

RE: remapbil problem with MPIOM output: missing values in regridded field due to cyclic latitude definition? - Added by Malte Stuecker 6 months ago

Thank you for the assistance. Following your advice I used the following command:

cdo -L remapbil,r360x180 -sethalo,-1,-1 -selgrid,1 infile outfile

Regrettably I still get the undefined values at the boundaries (see attached file).

redgridded_data_v2.png (60.3 KB) redgridded_data_v2.png regridded MPIOM data

RE: remapbil problem with MPIOM output: missing values in regridded field due to cyclic latitude definition? - Added by Malte Stuecker 6 months ago

Sure, thank you very much for the help. Please find attached the two files from:

cdo -L remapbil,r360x180 -sethalo,-1,-1 -selgrid,1 (16.4 MB) output file (33.8 MB) input file

RE: remapbil problem with MPIOM output: missing values in regridded field due to cyclic latitude definition? - Added by Uwe Schulzweida 6 months ago

This seems to be a problem in the CDO version you are using. Since CDO version 2.2.0 this works without any problems.
