


Grid type problem

Added by Rebecca yy about 2 years ago

Hi all and thanks in advanced,

I have downloaded SST data from Hadley Centre for calculateing. But I found the data has generic grid coordinate, therefore, there are many commands that cannot be completed. I want to know how to deal with the grid coordinate in generic form.

Thanks a lot

Replies (2)

RE: Grid type problem - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 2 years ago

Hi Rebecca,

as you can see from the output of your 'cdo info' command, there are two grids in your data file (grid 1: generic with 2 points and grid 2: lonlat with 64800 points). CDO uses per default the first grid but you are looking for the second. Use the CDO operator selgrid to specify the needed grid (see


RE: Grid type problem - Added by Rebecca yy about 2 years ago

Thank you Karin!
