


How to caluclate varaible for based on interval conditon using expr

Added by Fuad Yassin about 2 years ago

Hi all,
I am new to this forum. I am trying to calculate fsa variable values based on two discrete conditions. In the end, I want one output file with variable fsa. The first condition is fsa equals 1 when tsa is greater than 275.15. In the second condition, I want fsa to be equal to (1-0.5*(tas-273.15)) when tsa is between 273.15 and 275.15 . Here is my first try using expr, any help is appreciated. any approach will be ok for me it doesn't have to be expr. my file size is big so concise method is prefered.

cdo -expr, 'fsa = ((tas>275.15)) ? 1.0 : 0; fsa = ((tas<=275.15 & tas>273.15)) ? (1-0.5*(tas-273.15)) : fsa; <infile> <outfile>

Replies (7)

RE: How to caluclate varaible for based on interval conditon using expr - Added by Fuad Yassin about 2 years ago

Fuad Yassin wrote:

Hi all,
I am new to this forum. I am trying to calculate fsa variable values based on two discrete conditions. In the end, I want one output file with variable fsa. The first condition is fsa equals 1 when tsa is greater than 275.15. In the second condition, I want fsa to be equal to (1-0.5*( tas -273.15)) when tsa is between 273.15 and 275.15 . Here is my first try using expr, any help is appreciated. any approach will be ok for me it doesn't have to be expr. my file size is big so concise method is prefered.
cdo -expr, 'fsa = ((tas>275.15)) ? 1.0 : 0; fsa = ((tas<=275.15 & tas>273.15)) ? (1-0.5*(tas-273.15)) : fsa; <infile> <outfile>

RE: How to caluclate varaible for based on interval conditon using expr - Added by Ralf Mueller about 2 years ago

hi Fuad!

you can use nest the ternary operators like this:

cdo -expr,'fsa = ((tas<=275.15 && tas>273.15)) ? (1-0.5*(tas-273.15)) : ((tas>275.15) ? 1.0 : 0)' <infile> <outfile>

The logical OR is && !

Please check the output if it is what you want.


RE: How to caluclate varaible for based on interval conditon using expr - Added by Fuad Yassin about 2 years ago

Thanks so much, Ralf.
Yes, it gives the output I was looking for.
Now, I clearly understand the nesting method.


RE: How to caluclate varaible for based on interval conditon using expr - Added by Ralf Mueller about 2 years ago

happy to help ;-)

just in case you missed it: There are two forum articles about expr which explains other use cases. Maybe that's interesting for you


RE: How to caluclate varaible for based on interval conditon using expr - Added by Fuad Yassin about 2 years ago

I was also curious if it is possible to pass multiple inputs for expr. For instance, if I have two input files, is it possible to write it like this
cdo -expr, 'some expression'; <> <outfile>

RE: How to caluclate varaible for based on interval conditon using expr - Added by Ralf Mueller about 2 years ago

no, that's not possible. expr has only a single input stream, but you can always merge things together like:

cdo -O -L -s -merge [ \
  [ -expr,'arg=90.0-deg(v);arg=(arg<0)?arg+360:arg' -atan2 -selname,v -selname,u ] \
  [ -expr,'vel=sqrt(v*v+u*u)' ] \

or using the merge before the expr
cdo -f nc -expr,'TP=T+P' -merge
I think, this is more like what you suggested above
