


Computing omega with cdo

Added by Sylvaine Ferrachat almost 12 years ago


I was looking for an operator in cdo which would compute omega (vertical pressure velocity) out of vorticity and divergence records (and surface pressure), in the same way afterburner does. So far, I haven't found it. Is there an undocumented operator which does that? If nothing exists in cdo, I think it would be nice to have this feature.

Thanks for your help!

Replies (2)

RE: Computing omega with cdo - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan almost 12 years ago

there is an undocumented (& experimental) operator named "vertwind" - but I'm not sure if this is the one you are looking for...


RE: Computing omega with cdo - Added by Sylvaine Ferrachat almost 12 years ago

Apparently not: trying this operator on a standard echam output, cdo exits with an error saying: "Vertical velocity (code 135) not found!", which is precisely the variable I'm trying to compute. Code 135 is indeed omega, expressed in Pa/s, and computed from vorticity, divergence and surface pressure (see afterburner).
