



The "afterburner" is the standard post processor for ECHAM data which provides the following operations:

  1. Extract specified variables and levels
  2. Compute derived variables
  3. Transform spectral data to Gaussian grid representation
  4. Vertical interpolation to pressure levels or height
  5. Compute temporal means
  6. Write data in GRIB, NetCDF, SERVICE or EXTRA format

Variables computed by the afterburner

Code Name Longname Units Level Needed Codes/Computation Comment
34 low_cld low cloud single 223 on modellevel
35 mid_cld mid cloud single 223 on modellevel
36 hih_cld high cloud single 223 on modellevel
131 u u-velocity atm (ml+pl) 138, 155
132 v v-velocity atm (ml+pl) 138, 155
135 omega vertical velocity Pa/s atm (ml+pl) 138, 152, 155
148 stream streamfunction atm (ml+pl) 131, 132
149 velopot velocity potential atm (ml+pl) 131, 132
151 slp mean sea level pressure surface 129, 130, 152
156 geopoth geopotential height atm (ml+pl) 129, 130, 133, 152
157 rhumidity relative humidity atm (ml+pl) 130, 133, 152
189 sclfs surface solar cloud forcing surface 176-185
190 tclfs surface thermal cloud forcing surface 177-186
191 sclf0 top solar cloud forcing surface 178-187
192 tclf0 top thermal cloud forcing surface 179-188
259 windspeed windspeed atm (ml+pl) sqrt(u*u+v*v)
260 precip total precipitation surface 142+143
261 net_top total top radiation surface 178+179 Not available for ECHAM5
262 net_bot total surface radiation surface 176+177 Not available for ECHAM5
263 net_heat net surface heat flux surface 146+147+176+177-220- C⋅218 Not available for ECHAM5
264 net_water total surface water surface 142+143+182-160-221 Not available for ECHAM5

C = L f ⋅ ρ H2O
ρ H2O : Density of water
L f : Latent heat of fusion

Transform and interpolation (TYPE)

Transforming spectral data to Gaussian grid representation and vertical interpolation to pressure levels or height are performed in a chain of steps. The TYPE parameter may be used to stop the chain at a certain step.

TYPE Interpolation Transformation CDO equivalence
0 (default) Hybrid level spectral coefficients sp2gp
10 Hybrid level fourier coefficients
11 Hybrid level zonal mean sections
20 Hybrid level gauss grids ml2pl
30 Pressure or Height level gauss grids gp2sp
40 Pressure or Height level fourier coefficients
41 Pressure or Height level zonal mean sections
50 Pressure or Height level spectral coefficients sp2gp
60 Pressure or Height level fourier coefficients
61 Pressure or Height level zonal mean sections
70 Pressure or Height level gauss grids