Simulation accumulated rainfall to daily rainfall
Added by Gabe Bromley about 4 years ago
I have simulation accumulated rainfall but would like to get accumulated precipitation between timesteps. I can achieve this by P_daily = P(t)-P(t-1). Is there a way to achieve this using a combination of CDO operators? I was thinking perhaps of treating P(t) and P(t-1) as different variables and subtracting them?
Replies (2)
RE: Simulation accumulated rainfall to daily rainfall - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 4 years ago
Hello Gabe,
deltat is the correct operator for this task. This operator is available since CDO release 1.9.8.
RE: Simulation accumulated rainfall to daily rainfall - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 3 years ago
daily rainfall need daily accumulation. daysum
seems to be a proper operator for this