Variable Values Lost during remapbil
Added by Aaron Perry over 4 years ago
I am trying to remap a coarse grid to a fine grid using a template GRIB file:
cdo remapbil,fine_template.grib2 coarse_grid.grib2 finer_grid.grib2
After running this command (successfully?), I check the new GRIB file using wgrib2
and the statistics do not look correct.
wgrib2 finer.grib2 -stats
I am expecting values between 40 degF (min) and 120 degF (max).
What happened during the remapbil that contaminated the variable values?
Replies (1)
RE: Variable Values Lost during remapbil - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 4 years ago
Hi Aaron,
whithout knowing the data and the CDO version you use it is not possible to help.
Can you upload the data file?