how to select a specific layer (level)
Added by Natalia L over 4 years ago
I have a netcdf file with several layers (named LAY in the netcdf) and I want to select the a specific layer only. I do the following but it does not work
cdo -sellevel,0 infile outfile
How can I specify that I want to select only the values of the netcdf file where the field LAY is equal to 0?
Thank you
Replies (1)
RE: how to select a specific layer (level) - Added by Brendan DeTracey over 4 years ago
Using the verbose option:
$ cdo -v sellevel,0 infile outfilemight help diagnose your problem. The output of:
$ cdo sinfo infilewould show the variables names (or attach a sample file) to help.
My guess? Try:
$ cdo -v sellevidx,0 infile outfileIf that does not work it means you may have to first rename LAY to be CF Metadata compliant, but without a sample or sinfo dump...