subsetting bbox
Added by Jay Su almost 5 years ago
When we subset a file with a bounding box, there has to be at least one grid point inside. Is it possible to go to the nearest if no grid point is inside?
I am trying v1.9.7 to do something like point subsetting.
Replies (3)
RE: subsetting bbox - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer almost 5 years ago
Hi Jay,
if you know that there is no grid point in your selected lonlat box and you know the center point location you can use e.g.
cdo -remapycon,lon=23.45632/lat=89.000452 infile outfile
to get the data of the nearest point.
RE: subsetting bbox - Added by Jay Su almost 5 years ago
Thank you Karin,
Unfortunately I dont know if there is a grid point in the bbox. And the grid sizes vary a lot, from 5 degree to 0.1 degree.
Is it possible in CDO that when sellonlatbox finds bbox is too small, it automatically calls lon/lat?