


remapbil, Error (cdf_def_dim) : NetCDF: Name contains illegal characters

Added by Vinod kumar almost 5 years ago

Hi, I want to regrid the attached NC file (curvilinear grid) on the target grid (regulat lat-lon) also attached herewith. I am doing
cdo -O remapbil,grid_3km_India.txt
which results in following error message
cdf_def_dim : ncid = 131072 name = lon len = 1023

Error (cdf_def_dim) : NetCDF: Name contains illegal characters

Error (cdf_close) : NetCDF: HDF error

I wonder, why it finds illegal character in on?

Replies (2)

RE: remapbil, Error (cdf_def_dim) : NetCDF: Name contains illegal characters - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 5 years ago

There is a blank after the name lon in the grid file grid_3km_India.txt:

xname     = lon
This confuses the interpreter in very old CDO version like 1.7.0. Remove the blank or update to a more recent CDO release in order to solve this problem.

RE: remapbil, Error (cdf_def_dim) : NetCDF: Name contains illegal characters - Added by Vinod kumar almost 5 years ago

Hi Uwe,
Thanks a lot for your kind guidance.
Updating to the newest cdo version fixed the issue.

Best regards,
