Creaate Grads description file of a Polarstereographic data using CDO
Added by Valiyaveetil Shamsudheen Semeena almost 13 years ago
Is it possible to create the grads description file of a netcdf data which has 'polarstereographic projection' as its native grid? I see that 'gradsdes' creates the descriptor file for GRIB,SERVICE,EXTRA and IEG formats in lat/lon projection.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Replies (2)
RE: Creaate Grads description file of a Polarstereographic data using CDO - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan almost 13 years ago
As far as I understand, CDO will not generate the grads descriptor file from a NetCDF input. The input file should be GRIB,SERVICE,EXTRA format AND also must be one of Lon/Lat, Gaussian or Lambert grid. On the other hand I guess grads can handle the native NetCDF but I'm not sure about the "polar-stereographic projection"(?). OR you may remap your file to one of the compatible grid using CDO, (and file format such as GRIB) and then you can generate the ctl file.
RE: Creaate Grads description file of a Polarstereographic data using CDO - Added by Valiyaveetil Shamsudheen Semeena almost 13 years ago
Hi Jaison,
Thanks a lot. I managed in the mean time without GrADS. Hence was silent!'