unexpected: change dimension name when regridding
Added by Jay Su almost 5 years ago
CDO v1.9.7
It looks like CDO changes dimension names after regridding.
Before regridding MAT3CPMST_subset.nc:
After regridding MAT3CPMST_remap.nc:
Is there anyway we dont change the name? I believe it's straightforward to change variable name but not dimension name in CDO, right?
MAT3CPMST_subset.nc (4.99 MB) MAT3CPMST_subset.nc | |||
MAT3CPMST_remap.nc (3.72 MB) MAT3CPMST_remap.nc |
Replies (3)
RE: unexpected: change dimension name when regridding - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 5 years ago
You probably used one of the predefined grids for interpolation (e.g. r180x91). This has nothing to do with the grid in your file. The predefined grids have default names for the dimensions. If you want to have other names you have to write a grid file yourself. Here is an example:
gridtype = lonlat xsize = 180 ysize = 91 xname = "XDim:EOSGRID" xlongname = "longitude" xunits = "degrees_east" yname = "YDim:EOSGRID" ylongname = "latitude" yunits = "degrees_north" xfirst = 0 xinc = 2 yfirst = -90 yinc = 2
RE: unexpected: change dimension name when regridding - Added by Jay Su almost 5 years ago
Thank you Uwe,
I generated by myself:
gridtype = lonlat
xsize = 180
ysize = 91
xfirst = 0
xinc = 2
yfirst = 90
yinc = -2
Do you mean xname/yname are set as lon/lat as default? Is it possible to use the ones in the original file?
RE: unexpected: change dimension name when regridding - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 5 years ago
Yes, the default name of the longitude and latitide coordinates is lon and lat. You can set it with xname/yname and it is not possible to use the names of the inputfile automatically.