Appropriate remapping for Precipitation
Added by Zan Mat almost 13 years ago
I have a set of precipitation values with some zero and missing values. I have managed to convert the ascii to
unstructured netcdf successfully.
Upon remapping using remapnn to a structuted netcdf, however, the output data looks awkward - vertically elongated fields.
I have attached it here for reference.
I suspect it could be the remapnn method that I'm using. Any suggestions on the most suitable remapping method
for precipitation field please?
native_2.gif (331 KB) native_2.gif | Sample output |
Replies (2)
RE: Appropriate remapping for Precipitation - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan almost 13 years ago
Hi Zan,
You might have already solved your problem but just in case...
the remapnn had some issues (older version of cdo) but for the newer version > 1.5, it should give correct output.
Also, if you simple use remapnn, most likely it just remap your data globally (360x180) & I assume the elongation is due to that. But if you give a "template file" covering the desired area(say for eg. Europe) it should give the output file matching the template. For example if the template_file covers europe (say -10E,40E,30N,60N)
cdo remapnn,template_file ifile ofile
should give you the correct output
This also works with unstructured grid!
Hope this helps
RE: Appropriate remapping for Precipitation - Added by Jaison-Thomas Ambadan almost 13 years ago
I forgot to add one more thing. For precipitation "conservative remapping" is the preferred one, so for CDO either remapcon or remapnn is recommended.