


Problems with remapcon. Newbie here.

Added by Giacomo Lucidi about 5 years ago

Hello everyone.

I'm new with CDO.

My task is to regrid a file (curvilinear grid) to the grid of another file (horizontal).

I'm having some problems with file (curvilinear grid) and not only with remapcon command but they might be connected.

1)cdo -info

Warning (cdf_set_var): Inconsistent variable definition for XLAT!
Warning (cdf_set_var): Inconsistent variable definition for XLONG!
Warning (cdfScanVarAttr): NetCDF: Variable not found - >XTIME<

(the command give me the information anyway but I don't understand the Warning advices.)

2)cdo -griddes

(same warnings)

3)cdo -remapcon,weightfile.txt

(same warnings)
cdo remapcon (Abort): Source grid cell corner coordinates missing!

I really don't know how to proceed.

I attached here both file with hourly...(curvilinear grid) and MERRA... (horizontal grid).

Thank you!!

Replies (4)

RE: Problems with remapcon. Newbie here. - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 5 years ago

Hi Giacomo,

there is an easy way to repair it:

cdo copy

Then remap to the MERRA grid:

cdo remapbil,


RE: Problems with remapcon. Newbie here. - Added by Giacomo Lucidi about 5 years ago

Thank you Karin.

Can I ask you why remapcon doesn't work? Is it wrong the concept to regrid from curvilinear to horizontal with remapcon?

Thank you.

RE: Problems with remapcon. Newbie here. - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 5 years ago

You can not use remapcon because the source grid cell corner coordinates are missing in your file.

RE: Problems with remapcon. Newbie here. - Added by Giacomo Lucidi about 5 years ago

Got it.

And could you explain me the command copy. I read on the guide but I can't understand the utility and why is necessary in my case.

Thank you for your help.
