operators on variables different names in different files
Added by Noam Chomsky about 5 years ago
Say I have two files a(lat,lon,z,time) and b(lat,lon,z,time). Both files have a certain number of variables.
Lat,lon,time are the same for the two files
I want to be able to multiple, add, etc variables across specific levels across these two files.
The last step would be to calculate the average across the last x number of years for each variable in the netcdf. So the result would be average(lat,lon,z) for each variable.
I have managed to get my result, which I think it's correct, but it seems I had to go through many intermediate steps. Is there a more efficient way to do this?
in myexpr I use variab3 = sellevel(variable1,10)+sellevel(variable2,11);
#make some calculation in file a
cdo exprf,myexpr a.nc a1.nc
cdo expr,'anpop=ani_popu_all*10^6;' b.nc b1.nc
cdo merge a1.nc b1.nc total.nc
cdo exprf,morecalc total.nc popcalc.nc
cdo yearmean popcalc.nc yearlm.nc
cdo -select,timestep=-5/-1 yearlm.nc yearlm5.nc
cdo timavg yearlm5.nc yearlmall.n
Also, should I use timavg or fldavg, I don't really understand the differences.
Replies (3)
RE: operators on variables different names in different files - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 5 years ago
Hi Noam,
you can combine some operator calls, see https://code.mpimet.mpg.de/projects/cdo/wiki/Tutorial#Combining-Operators.
cdo yearmean popcalc.nc yearlm.nc cdo -select,timestep=-5/-1 yearlm.nc yearlm5.nc cdo timavg yearlm5.nc yearlmall.n
can be written as
cdo -timavg -select,timestep=-5/-1 -yearmean popcalc.nc yearlmall.nc
Use timavg when averaging over time and fldmean when averaging on the horizontal grid.
RE: operators on variables different names in different files - Added by Noam Chomsky about 5 years ago
Thank you Karin, I will try that.
So there is no way to use expr across files? It can be applied to one file only?
RE: operators on variables different names in different files - Added by Miles Sowden over 2 years ago
combine operators and do the calculation such as
cdo expr,'Temp_avg=(Temp_max + Temp_min)/2' -merge Temp_maximum.nc Temp_minimum.nc Temp_average.nc