zonmean: Argument 'data' not allocated!
Added by Franziska Winterstein about 5 years ago
Dear community,
I encountered an error using the zonmean operation. When applying the operation the process aborts and gives the following message:
Warning (stream_write_record): Argument 'data' not allocated!
cdo: putget.m4:805: putNCvx_double_double: Assertion `value != ((void *)0)' failed.
I am using cdo/1.9.8-magicsxx-gcc64 on the mistral postprocessing login nodes at the DKRZ. But I tried it with different versions and on a different machine with the same outcome (slightly different error message).
However, fldmean and other operations do work properly.
Do you have any suggestions?
Kind regards,
Replies (6)
RE: zonmean: Argument 'data' not allocated! - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 5 years ago
Hi Franziska,
we need to know your data. Can you tell me where to find it on mistral.
RE: zonmean: Argument 'data' not allocated! - Added by Franziska Winterstein about 5 years ago
Dear Karin,
the problem seems data independet, as I tried different files.
You find a file which did not work on: /scratch/b/b309109/R1EME-01_______205501_ECHAM5-mm.nc
Kind regards,
RE: zonmean: Argument 'data' not allocated! - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 5 years ago
There is a directory called R1EME-01 and R1EME-01-re which contains different subdirectories. Can you tell me which file should be used? Are they empty?
RE: zonmean: Argument 'data' not allocated! - Added by Franziska Winterstein about 5 years ago
Dear Karin,
sorry, the file was automatically deleted. It is again available under: /scratch/b/b309109/R1EME-01_______205501_ECHAM5-mm.nc (no subdirectory)
Kind regards,
RE: zonmean: Argument 'data' not allocated! - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 5 years ago
You have two horizontal and two vertical grids stored in the file. So, you have to tell cdo which one to use. You can do it with the selgrid operator or you select the variables of the same grid with selname.
cdo sinfon /scratch/b/b309109/R1EME-01_______205501_ECHAM5-mm.nc
File format : NetCDF2 -1 : Institut Source T Steptype Levels Num Points Num Dtype : Parameter name 1 : unknown unknown v instant 1 1 1 1 F64 : dt 2 : unknown unknown v instant 1 1 1 1 F64 : nstep 3 : unknown unknown v instant 90 2 1 1 F32 : dhyam 4 : unknown unknown v instant 90 2 1 1 F32 : dhybm 5 : unknown unknown v instant 1 1 8192 2 F32 : slf 6 : unknown unknown v instant 1 1 8192 2 F32 : alb 7 : unknown unknown v instant 1 1 8192 2 F32 : tsw 8 : unknown unknown v instant 1 1 8192 2 F32 : glac 9 : unknown unknown v instant 1 1 8192 2 F32 : alake 10 : unknown unknown v instant 1 1 8192 2 F32 : siced ... 134 : unknown unknown v instant 91 3 8192 2 F32 : betass_tmp 135 : unknown unknown v instant 91 3 8192 2 F32 : sigmadot 136 : unknown unknown v instant 1 1 8192 2 F32 : aps Grid coordinates : 1 : generic : points=1 2 : gaussian : points=8192 (128x64) lon : 0 to 357.1875 by 2.8125 degrees_east circular lat : 87.8638 to -87.8638 degrees_north Vertical coordinates : 1 : surface : levels=1 2 : hybrid : levels=90 lev : 1 to 90 by 1 level available : vct 3 : hybrid_half : levels=91 ilev : 1 to 91 by 1 level Time coordinate : 1 step RefTime = 2010-01-01 00:00:00 Units = days Calendar = standard YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss 2055-01-16 11:00:00 cdo sinfon: Processed 136 variables over 1 timestep [0.11s 37MB].
Select all variables on grid 2 and compute the zonal mean:
cdo -zonmean -selgrid,2 /scratch/b/b309109/R1EME-01_______205501_ECHAM5-mm.nc outfile.nc
Select the variable tsurf, which is on grid 2, and compute the zonal mean:
cdo -zonmean -selname,tsurf /scratch/b/b309109/R1EME-01_______205501_ECHAM5-mm.nc outfile.nc
RE: zonmean: Argument 'data' not allocated! - Added by Franziska Winterstein about 5 years ago
Dear Karin,
oh, thank you for pointing this out! It did not occured to me, that the included hybrid and scalar variables might be the problem.
Thank you very much for your help!
Kind regards,