


cdo after: on which file types echams post processor afterburner works?

Added by Christopher Danek over 5 years ago


In the documentation it is not mentioned, what kind of file type the echam post processor `cdo after` needs. Does it work equally on grib (i.e. OUT_FILETYPE=1 in namelist.echam) and netcdf (i.e. OUT_FILETYPE=2 in namelist.echam) files?

Thanks and kind regards,

Replies (2)

RE: cdo after: on which file types echams post processor afterburner works? - Added by Ralf Mueller over 5 years ago

cdo -h after
is pretty extensive. There is nothing about input types - and usually CDO is agnostic to this. The docu uses grib code numbers and netcdf shortnames. so I am pretty sure, both input file types should work.

Did you encounter problems with it?


RE: cdo after: on which file types echams post processor afterburner works? - Added by Christopher Danek over 5 years ago

Thanks for the answer. No, I do not encounter problems. I was just wondering and could not find a sentence about this in the docu.
