monmean vs monavg
Added by Sara Rauscher about 13 years ago
I am calculating monthly means from 3 hourly data. From the CDO documentation I understood that monmean calculates a monthly average, and if data are missing the sample size is reduced, whereas monavg would return a missing value. However, I find the same behavior from monmean and monavg - if a time slice has missing data, that month is set to missing data. How can I get the true "mean" behavior? I am using version 1.4.7.
Replies (7)
RE: monmean vs monavg - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 13 years ago
Hallo Sara,
monmean and monavg should give different results on timeseries with missing data. Please attach an example file, if the result of both operators is the same with your data.
Cheers, Uwe
RE: monmean vs monavg - Added by Ping Yang over 12 years ago
Today I tried the monmean and monavg for the same file, I didn't found any different between the results(do you want me to upload the file?). Are these two function the same?
By the way, Is there a good plotting tool for the CDO result?
RE: monmean vs monavg - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 12 years ago
Hi Ping,
the result of monmean and monavg is the same if your dataset has no missing values.
RE: monmean vs monavg - Added by Babette Tchonang over 6 years ago
Hi Uwe,
what is the best to use between monmean and monavg?
RE: monmean vs monavg - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 6 years ago
Hi Babette, I prefer to use monmean.
RE: monmean vs monavg - Added by Kiswendsida GUIGMA over 5 years ago
Hello Uwe,
I am neither able to make any difference between mean and avg over different input files.
Basically I am calculating ensemble means using ensmean and ensavg. Both give the same output although the input files contain missing values. Any thought on that?
Here is my code
cdo ensmean
cdo ensavg
Attached are the input files
RE: monmean vs monavg - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 5 years ago
This is definitely a bug in ensavg. We will fix this problem in the next CDO release 1.9.8.
Thanks for this example!