


Vertically interpolating when depth is given as a variable

Added by Robert Wilson over 5 years ago

I am working with ocean model output where the vertical depths differ across all grid cells. However, the depths are provided as a variable.

Is there a method like intlevel, which is able to handle this situation?


Robert Wilson

Replies (2)

RE: Vertically interpolating when depth is given as a variable - Added by Robert Wilson over 5 years ago

Thanks Karin

I have tried this with similar data in the past. However, it did not give correct results. I believe this was because there are some missing values in the data files. (These are because the vertical coordinates follow seabed depth and for computational reasons some of the cells are set to NAs). And if I am correct (based on a discussion I read on here), intlevel3d, does not work with missing values.

I guess that ml2pl orap2hl conceivably would work. Though I can't tell from the documentation if they work with ocean data.

I will keep digging...


