


Calculate Statistics RMSE, BIAS, CC, NSE, MAE, POD from 2 NC file

Added by Suman B over 5 years ago

Dear all,
I want to compare output from two precipitation models (2 NC file) on the basis of certain statistical scores e.g correlation-coefficient(CC), bias, root mean square error(RMSE), Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency(NSE), mean absolute error Probability of detection(POD) etc. How can I compute them all? I think CC and RMSE can be computed but the others are not included in CDO. can anyone help me how can I do this?
Is there any scope to add them in cdo? If yes, then how?
Or is there any other platform to do these where I can use the NC file directly to compute them all?

Thank you in advance!

Replies (2)

RE: Calculate Statistics RMSE, BIAS, CC, NSE, MAE, POD from 2 NC file - Added by Suman B over 5 years ago

One more addition to this question, I have a .nc file where there are plenty of No data values (NaN)...How to deal with them?

The code I have used to do this is..
cdo -sqrt

Please let me know how to handle this..

RE: Calculate Statistics RMSE, BIAS, CC, NSE, MAE, POD from 2 NC file - Added by Ralf Mueller over 5 years ago

hi Suman!

In the official docu you can find information about how CDO handles missing values (if they are correctly marked using missing_value or _FillValue attribute). Please have a look

