Deleting dates based on timesteps
Added by Lyndon Mark Olaguera over 5 years ago
Dear CDO experts,
I want to delete specific dates that are listed in a text file and with the following format: YYYY-MM-DD.
According to this post:
One can only delete dates using the time steps.
So, I tried to extract first the timesteps after reading the dates from the text file.
My code is as follows using bash:
for y in 1979 do input="withrain_${y}.txt" while IFS= read -r line do echo "$line" cdo delete,timestep=$(cdo -s -outputtab,nohead,timestep,$line -selname,precip ../aphro_$ | grep $line | sed -e 's/[ ]\+/ /g' | cut -f 2 -d ' ') aphro_${y} norain_${y} done < "$input" done
I am getting the following errors:
cdo outputtab (Abort): Key 1979-04-18 unsupported!
Attached are the input NetCDF and text file.
I'll appreciate any guidance on how to do this correctly in CDO.
Lyndz (30.8 MB) | Input NetCDF file | ||
withrain_1979.txt (55 Bytes) withrain_1979.txt | Input text file with dates |
Replies (1)
RE: Deleting dates based on timesteps - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 5 years ago
Hi Lyndon,
try datesfile=withrain_1979.txt dates=$(cat $datesfile | xargs echo | sed -e 's/ /,/g') cdo delete,date=${dates} -selname,precip $infile