CDO Ensemble Percentile for Precipitation
Added by Mendim Rugova over 5 years ago
I'm trying to calculate Ensemble percentiles eg. 10th,50th,90th from a number of NetCDF projection models, but the results that I get are low numbers that don't match the correct precipitation amount. I think that I'm doing something wrong, so any help would be appreciated.
I'm using the following command from cdo
cdo -enspctl,50 *.nc outfile
I've used this command for the temperature parameter, and I got right results, but for precipitation it seems that it has to be another calculation.
Replies (3)
RE: CDO Ensemble Percentile for Precipitation - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 5 years ago
Hi Mendim,
without the data it is hard to answer. What do you expect for precipitation?
RE: CDO Ensemble Percentile for Precipitation - Added by Mendim Rugova over 5 years ago
Hi Karin,
I'm trying to calculate an ensemble percentile for the daily precipitation from different models, but usually the results are lower values than expected, because there are also days with no precipitation to consider.
I've tried to calculate also the ensemble mean for the daily precipitation, but now I get light precipitation almost daily. Is there any solution from the CDO command for which I could calculate precipitation ensemble that would distinct also the days with no precipitation and daily max precipitation. I need this so that I can calculate climate indices that include also high precipitation values above 10mm or 20mm.
I'm sorry if I'm not very clear in my description of the problem that I have.
RE: CDO Ensemble Percentile for Precipitation - Added by Miles Sowden over 2 years ago
Old post but I think the problem is should days with no rain be flagged as missing.
So depending on what is wanted,
if only consider rainy days cdo -enspctl,50 -setctomiss,0 *.nc outfile
otherwise if non-rain days then cdo -enspctl,50 -setmisstoc,0 *.nc outfile