Adjusting land-sea mask
Added by Anne Moree over 5 years ago
I have a land-sea mask where land is set to FillVal=0 and sea is of value 1.
I want the land area to decrease in size by 1 gridcell everywhere. So, where ever value==1 within a 1-gridcell range of a zero cell, the value is set to 0. Is there a way to do so with CDO? Instead of using 1 gridcell, it would also be OK to use an actual distance. Or something like 'if a zero cell is next to a cell that is 1, make it 1 as well'.
Thanks for thinking along,
Best wishes,
Replies (3)
RE: Adjusting land-sea mask - Added by Ralf Mueller over 5 years ago
hi Anne!
please upload the mask file. I can think about something with the smooth-operator. you might have a loog on slide 15 of this for some illustration of it.
RE: Adjusting land-sea mask - Added by Anne Moree over 5 years ago
Dear Ralf,
Thank you for thinking along. Find attached the file.
I found out already though that cdo smooth,radius=1deg is doing perfectly what I would like to do (also attached)!
Thanks again,
Anne (300 KB) | pre-industrial land-sea mask based on WOA2013 | || (299 KB) | smaller land using cdo smooth,1deg |
RE: Adjusting land-sea mask - Added by Ralf Mueller over 5 years ago
alright - happy to help u