Applying expr when there is a minus symbol in variable name
Added by Robert Wilson over 5 years ago
I am attempting to apply expr to a file where the variable name I want to use is "SPM-OC5_mean".
I have tried various variations of "cdo expr,'new=SPM-OC5_mean' infile outfile". However, none of them seem to work.
Is there a way to handle variable names which contain arithemtic operators?
Replies (7)
RE: Applying expr when there is a minus symbol in variable name - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 5 years ago
Hi Robert,
yes, I didn't manage that either. Do you want to rename the variable only than use the chname operator
cdo -chname,SPM-OC5_mean,new infile outfile
If you want to do some computations you can rename the variable before you do it.
For exmple:
cdo -chname,SPM-OC5_mean,dummy infile cdo -expr,'new = ((dummy > 0.0)) ? 1.0 : 0.0' rm -rf
RE: Applying expr when there is a minus symbol in variable name - Added by Robert Wilson over 5 years ago
Hi Karin
Thanks. That is one option. My aim is to have a function that wraps around cdo and expr and can work more generally, but I think I can see a way of getting that to work using the chname method you suggest.
RE: Applying expr when there is a minus symbol in variable name - Added by Ralf Mueller over 5 years ago
Is there a way to handle variable names which contain arithmetic operators?
the short answer is: no. I don't see any options to do so. IMO this is a bad idea anyway, better use an underline and keep the 'SPM-OC5_mean" as longname or a custom attribute value.
you could implement the replacement with underline and back-replacement afterwards as part of your routing I guess.
RE: Applying expr when there is a minus symbol in variable name - Added by Robert Wilson over 5 years ago
Thanks Ralf
Yes, I agree. It's a bad naming convention, but one used by some of the common netcdf products I use.
I'll just make my wrapper on exp super strict, forcing users to use chname before calling it when variables have arithmetic symbols in them.
RE: Applying expr when there is a minus symbol in variable name - Added by Ralf Mueller over 5 years ago
in which language do your write your code?
RE: Applying expr when there is a minus symbol in variable name - Added by Robert Wilson over 5 years ago
Hi Ralph
It is an R package that acts as a wrapper for cdo.
RE: Applying expr when there is a minus symbol in variable name - Added by Ralf Mueller over 5 years ago
alright - I won't be of much help for R, though. Never used it much, except for some huge graph representation. I have libs for Ruby and Python, but R didn't seem to offer much meta-programming techniques. So I dropped the plan to come up with a R-interface myself. Cool, that your wrote one!