define the headers names when converting to ascii with outputtab
Added by Natalia L almost 6 years ago
I have a netcdf file with 7 variables and I want to convert it to an ascii file (lon,lat, val1,val2....val7).
I use outputtab :
cdo outputtab,lon,lat,value,value,value,value,value,value,value > test.txt
Is there any way to define also the names of the values (i.e. the headers)?
Replies (3)
RE: define the headers names when converting to ascii with outputtab - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 6 years ago
Check the docu with
cdo -h outputtabYou cannot have values of different variables in a single row. try
cdo outputtab,lon,lat,value,name test.ncif you want to put values of multiple variables in a single table, you can paste them together. you might have a look into this
RE: define the headers names when converting to ascii with outputtab - Added by Natalia L almost 6 years ago
Hi Ralf,
thank you.
Is it possible to specify which variable of the netcdf file to extract to ascii file? Or only the first variable is possible to write to the ascii file?
RE: define the headers names when converting to ascii with outputtab - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 6 years ago
sure, just use the operators selname
or select
like this
cdo -outputtab,name,value,lon,lat -selname,<YourVarName> > test.out
cdo -outputtab,name,value,lon,lat -select,name=<YourVarName> > test.out
again: feel free to double-check with the docu. There is a very good FAQ