CDO Magics plot in Python
Added by David RAGATOA almost 6 years ago
Hi all,
I am trying to use CDO Magics plot in jupyter notebook but I cannot find a way out.
cdo contour,device="png" ECMWF_ERA-40_subset
what will be the python cdo correct writing to insert device="png" in the line?
Thank you
Replies (6)
RE: CDO Magics plot in Python - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 6 years ago
hi David!
AFAIK notebook behave just like regular python scripts. Please post the python code so that we can debug it
RE: CDO Magics plot in Python - Added by David RAGATOA almost 6 years ago
Hello Ralf,
Thank you for your prompt answer.
There is no script. I am just trying myself to py-cdo because I couldn't compile cdo with parallel on my new installed fedora 30 with deepin environment.
I discovered I can use the py-cdo to multiprocess and I find it very good.
I am trying the environment with the different combinations and hit the wall on this one:
cdo contour,device="png" ECMWF_ERA-40_subset
the python code gives:
cdo.contour(input = "", output = " test")
but the default output is in .ps.
"device=png" can change the output to ;png file but cannot find how to add it in the python line.
Thanks, cheers
RE: CDO Magics plot in Python - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 6 years ago
try this
cdo.contour('device=png',input = "", output = "test")
RE: CDO Magics plot in Python - Added by David RAGATOA almost 6 years ago
Thank Ralf. It works perfectly. I'm a bit surprised, I tried it several times yesterday it didn't work.
Many thanks.
RE: CDO Magics plot in Python - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 6 years ago
you can set
cdo.debug = Trueto see the internal CDO calls. could be helpful for debugging