operator piping help: extracting and merging at the same time?
Added by Erik Noble about 13 years ago
Dear CDO community; thank you for providing CDO.
Could I please have some help?
I have 100 files in a directory. I want to extract 4 variables from the files and make merge the results together to make one file.
My current script snippet is below and it works. I do a loop for the extraction and then merge outside of the loop; it takes a long time to finish. I am worried because I have to do this iteratively hundreds of times. There has to be a more efficient method. I am new to CDO. Perhaps I missed it?
How can I do the 2 cdo commands together (extract and merge or vice-versa) to reduce unnecessary disk I/O (like the example from the CDO tutorial below)? Is this possible?
Any advice, pointers would be greatly appreciated.
-Erik Noble
< code snippet in a bash shell >
export FILES=`ls post_wrfout_d01*`
for fili in $FILES
if [ ! -e "$fili" ] # Check if file exists.
echo "$fili does not exist."; echo
continue # On to next.
echo "Using CDO selname"
- Run script
cdo selname,u_gr_p,v_gr_p,u_10m_gr,v_10m_gr,DateTime $fili temp_$fili # CDO command 1: Extraction
echo "Merging to make Experiment_01_diagnostics.nc"
cdo mergetime temp_* Experiment_01_diagnostics.nc # CDO command 2: timemerge
rm temp_*
Example from CDO Tutorial
Operator piping
All operators with one output stream can pipe the result directly to an other operator. The operator must begin with "-", in order to combine it with others. This can improve the performance by:
reducing unnecessary disk I/O
parallel processing
cdo sub -dayavg ifile2 -timavg ifile1 ofile
instead of
cdo timavg ifile1 tmp1
cdo dayavg ifile2 tmp2
cdo sub tmp2 tmp1 ofile
rm tmp1 tmp2
Replies (2)
RE: operator piping help: extracting and merging at the same time? - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 13 years ago
Dear Erik,
Please try the undocumented CDO operator select with the parameter name= to select variables by name from an unlimited number of inputfiles:
cdo select,name=u_gr_p,v_gr_p,u_10m_gr,v_10m_gr,DateTime $FILES Experiment_01_diagnostics.ncThe names of the input files have to be sorted alphanumeric in order to get a correct time axis.
Please let us know your experiences about the performance.
Best regards,
RE: operator piping help: extracting and merging at the same time? - Added by nitin patil over 8 years ago
Dear All,
I have multiple files and need to merge into single netcdf with only selected variables for this I am trying the following and getting error:
cdo mergetime -selname,variable1,variable2 ifile1.nc ifile2.nc ifile3.nc ofile.nc
cdo mergetime: Started child process "select,name=TAU_2D_550nm EACSST_197101.01_rad.nc (pipe1.1)".
cdo mergetime (Abort): Input streams have different number of variables per timestep!
Any mistake I am doing?