Option to preserve grid info when operating only on time dimension?
Added by Chris Fletcher over 13 years ago
Hi, I am working with 6-hourly data on an irregular reduced-Gaussian that CDO does not support. However, the time axis on this file is set up correctly, and CDO can process it. But when I compute an operation such as "daymean", I find that CDO also alters the grid dimension names and the metadata.
My question: is there a way to force CDO to only operate on the time dimension and leave the other dimensions unaltered?
Replies (1)
RE: Option to preserve grid info when operating only on time dimension? - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 13 years ago
Hi Chris,
There is no way to force CDO to only work on the time dimension.
CDO preserves all variable names if possible. Grid dimension names are possibly changed for 2D curvilinear and unstructured grids. This will be improved in one of the next releases. Some metadata of coordiante variables could be lost, if the coordinate/grid is not supported in CDO.
Best regards,