5 dimensional variables are not supported
Added by Alaa Kotb almost 6 years ago
I tried to use cdo commands with the file TotalPrecipitation_Monthly_CCSM4_1982-2010_NMME.nc
but it gives this message
Warning (cdf_check_vars): 5 dimensional variables are not supported, skipped variable prec!
cdo info: Open failed on >TotalPrecipitation_Monthly_CCSM4_1982-2010_NMME.nc<
Unsupported file structure
this is the ncdump -h
netcdf TotalPrecipitation_Monthly_CCSM4_1982-2010_NMME { dimensions: M = 10 ; Y = 41 ; S = 348 ; X = 23 ; L = 1 ; variables: float M(M) ; M:standard_name = "realization" ; M:long_name = "Ensemble Member" ; M:pointwidth = 1.f ; M:gridtype = 0 ; M:units = "unitless" ; float Y(Y) ; Y:standard_name = "latitude" ; Y:pointwidth = 1.f ; Y:gridtype = 0 ; Y:units = "degree_north" ; float S(S) ; S:standard_name = "forecast_reference_time" ; S:long_name = "Forecast Start Time" ; S:pointwidth = 0 ; S:calendar = "360" ; S:defaultvalue = 710.f ; S:expires = 1554079320 ; S:gridtype = 0 ; S:units = "months since 1960-01-01" ; float X(X) ; X:standard_name = "longitude" ; X:pointwidth = 1.f ; X:gridtype = 0 ; X:units = "degree_east" ; float L(L) ; L:standard_name = "forecast_period" ; L:long_name = "Lead" ; L:pointwidth = 1.f ; L:gridtype = 0 ; L:units = "months" ; float prec(S, L, M, Y, X) ; prec:pointwidth = 0 ; prec:defaultvalue = 710.f ; prec:lon = 358.75f ; prec:standard_name = "lwe_precipitation_rate" ; prec:long_name = "Total Precipitation" ; prec:lat = 90.f ; prec:expires = 1554079320 ; prec:units = "mm/day" ; prec:missing_value = NaNf ; prec:file_missing_value = 9.96921e+36f ; // global attributes: :history = "Wed Apr 24 17:00:06 2019: ncap2 TotalPrecipitation_Monthly_CCSM4_1982-2010_NMME.nc" ; :NCO = "netCDF Operators version 4.7.5 (Homepage = http://nco.sf.net, Code = http://github.com/nco/nco)" ; :nco_openmp_thread_number = 1 ; }
Replies (5)
RE: 5 dimensional variables are not supported - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer almost 6 years ago
Hi Alaa,
CDO allows only 4 dimensions (see CDO documentation): "NetCDF datasets are only supported for the classic data model and arrays up to 4 dimensions."
To use CDO you can try to decrease the dimensions by 1 (M or L) using NCO's ncks. E.g. get the data of prec of the 3rd realization (dimension M):
ncks -O -d M,3 -F infile outfile
Without the data its just a guess.
RE: 5 dimensional variables are not supported - Added by Saumya Singh 3 months ago
I am experiencing a similar problem where I have downloaded ECMWF ua850 data for 25 ensemble member and unable to open in cdo? I have attached the data file as well. Can you please help me?
Thanks a lot in advance.
RE: 5 dimensional variables are not supported - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer 3 months ago
Your netCDF file is not CF conform.
RE: 5 dimensional variables are not supported - Added by Saumya Singh 3 months ago
Hi, I have downloaded this data from ECMWF SEAS5 data from copernicus source only? Can you help me what to do with it, I am getting the same file.
RE: 5 dimensional variables are not supported - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer 3 months ago
You have to use other programs like NCO or write a Python script to read the file, split it into separate ensemble members, and take care that the output follow the CF-convention otherwise you can't use CDO.