File Sizes
Added by Bjorn Stevens about 6 years ago
Is it easy to understand in what flavor of netCDF to write files. I have the same file, zonmean, time-varying but they differ by more than a factor of ten in size. Consider:
ls /work/mh0492/m219063/DYAMOND/PostProc/ZonalMeanOn0.1degGrid/GEOS-3.3km* -rw-r--r-- 1 m219063 423986717 Jan 25 22:14 -rw-r--r-- 1 m219063 28314968 Feb 22 11:08 GEOS-3.3km_PRECTOT_0.10deg_zonmean.nc2
where the latter was created from the former (netCDF4) via
cdo -P 4 -f nc2 copy GEOS-3.3km_PRECTOT_0.10deg_zonmean.nc2
Replies (2)
RE: File Sizes - Added by Ralf Mueller about 6 years ago
netcdf2 and netcdf4 are quite different in their implementation. with your data having dimensions
time = 3925 ; lon = 1 ; lat = 1800 ;
you hit an extreme point for netcdf4 I guess. the internal data layout of netcdf4 is obviously not designed for such data. In terms of processing speed my impression is that netcdf2 is very hard to beat. But there might be cases (i.e. combination of dimension sizes) where netcdf2 shows its weakness.
RE: File Sizes - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 6 years ago
The size of a netCDF4 file depends among other things on the chunksize. The chunksize in your netCDF4 file is 1, which leads to large files.
A simple copy of the netCDF4 file with CDO sets the chunksize to the grid size, in this case 1800. This leads to a much smaller file:
-rw-r----- 1 m214003 mh0287 423986717 Feb 22 11:57 -rw-r----- 1 m214003 mh0287 28314968 Feb 22 11:57 GEOS-3.3km_PRECTOT_0.10deg_zonmean.nc2 -rw-r----- 1 m214003 mh0287 28567261 Feb 22 14:35 GEOS-3.3km_PRECTOT_0.10deg_zonmean.nc4Unfortunately, I can't reproduce how the chunksize of 1 has come into the file. With CDO this is only possible with the option '-k lines'.