Error "grib_bits.c at line 456: assertion failure Assert(e == 0)Aborted (core dumped)"
Added by Alberto Torres over 13 years ago
I'm getting this error every time I try to perform any operation on my grib file. I attach an example file below. Note that I'm using the following trick, as described in [[]]
./configure --disable-cgribex --with-grib_api=XXX .....
The thing is I have files with different timesteps, and it only works in the first one (i.e. the file with timestep 0). In all the other files I get the error described in the title. I'd love to attach the core dump, but I'm unable to find it. Any tips on how to solve this problem are appreciated.
Best regards,
Replies (2)
RE: Error "grib_bits.c at line 456: assertion failure Assert(e == 0)Aborted (core dumped)" - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 13 years ago
Hi Alberto,
I can't reproduced this error. This error came directly from the GRIB_API. Which version of the GRIB_API are you using? I tried it with 1.9.8 and 1.9.9 and got a different error message. The last record of the GRIB file has the packing type grid_second_order_constant_width. It seems that the above GRIB_API version can't decode this kind of GRIB records. I got also errors with the GRIB_API internal tool grib_dump:
GRIB_API ERROR : boustrophedonic ordering error: ( numberOfPoints=246768 ) != (sizeOf(codedValues)=50160) GRIB_API ERROR : unable to get values as double array (Decoding invalid)
Best regards,
RE: Error "grib_bits.c at line 456: assertion failure Assert(e == 0)Aborted (core dumped)" - Added by Alberto Torres over 13 years ago
It seems that I had an outdated GRIB_API (1.8.0). I'm updating it to 1.9.9 and will try again to see if I get the same errors. If I do, do you know any other GRIB_API capable of decoding such records? I guess there should be at least one since those file had to be packed in some way. Thanks for the help.
Best regards,