


Ascii from single stations to CDO

Added by Markus Kilian over 13 years ago


I would need to convert acsii data files from singel station to one complete netcdf data file with cdo. Is that possible?
My ascii files are in the form:

ta mo jahr   tmax   tmit   tmin   nied   relf   ludr   dadr   sonn   bewo   stra   wind  21052   -3.25  -45.25   63
1 1 1958 29.1 26.3 22.7 13.6 76.0 1002.4 25.9 -999.9 -999.9 1087.9 1.4
2 1 1958 29.5 25.4 21.9 7.7 82.2 1003.7 26.6 -999.9 -999.9 1154.6 1.7
3 1 1958 32.4 26.5 21.6 0.7 71.4 1003.7 24.7 -999.9 -999.9 1330.4 1.8
4 1 1958 32.8 28.2 23.5 0.2 60.9 1003.9 23.3 -999.9 -999.9 1332.1 2.0

-3.25 is the latitude and -45.25 ist the longitute and 21052 is the stationnumber.
I have a lot of data files (round about 3500) in this form and want to combine all data in a singel netcdf file.
The grid solution is 0.5 degrees.

Is there any cdo operator to get netcdf format from ascii files like this?
Thank you in advance.
Markus Kilian

Replies (1)

RE: Ascii from single stations to CDO - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 13 years ago

Hi Markus,

there is no CDO operator to import ASCII files like your station data, sorry,

Regards, Uwe
