Average of Multi-Year yearly Maximums
Added by eric weatherby over 6 years ago
I am trying to average 30 years of yearly maximum snow data and not sure what operator I should be using.
The Data started out as daily data from 1976-2005, I used the yearmax operator to get yearly maximum values and it now has 30 timesteps.
The final goal is to end up with a single plot where the data is yearly maximums averaged over the 30 years.
Thank you in advance!
Replies (2)
RE: Average of Multi-Year yearly Maximums - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 6 years ago
Hi Eric,
use the timmean operator which computes the mean over all input timesteps:
cdo timmean infile outfile
RE: Average of Multi-Year yearly Maximums - Added by eric weatherby over 6 years ago
Hi Karin,
Thank you for the reply!
That seems to have been exactly what I was looking for.
Thanks again,