Masking, remapping or some other way to reduce the file to some extent
Added by Nikolay Yasinskiy over 6 years ago
I try to reduce the extent by remapnn and other remapping operators, also with masklonlatbox, sellonlatbox etc. I get from the ECMWF grib unrealistic values and sometimes they are incorrectly interpolated, showing horisontal lines fexample. Is the ECMWF projection of this file special and how should I work with it, as I had no problems while remapping another grib file in the same way?
The WRFPRS file is the target extent.
Replies (2)
RE: Masking, remapping or some other way to reduce the file to some extent - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 6 years ago
Hi Nicolay,
in my opinion CDO can't remap those files. But I found a way to do it with NCL. The following NCL script reads the source and target file, regrid it using ESMF_regrid function, write the regridded variable to a new netCDF file and create a plot to compare the data.
begin ;-- source (input) file sourcefile = addfile("agro.ecmwf.t00z.072612001.grb","r") sourcevar = sourcefile->E_GDS0_SFC lat_src = sourcefile->g0_lat_0 lon_src = sourcefile->g0_lon_1 ;-- regridding DO_REGRID = True if(DO_REGRID) then ;-- target grid file targetgrid = addfile("WRFPRS_d01.03.0735.grb","r") lat_dst = targetgrid->g3_lat_0 lon_dst = targetgrid->g3_lon_1 dimnames = getvardims(lat_dst) dims = dimsizes(lat_dst) nlat = dims(0) nlon = dims(1) ;-- ESMF-regridding resources Opt = True Opt@InterpMethod = "bilinear" ;-- interpolation method Opt@ForceOverwrite = True ;-- force overwrite Opt@DstGridType = "curvilinear" ;-- Destination grid Opt@DstGridLon = lon_dst Opt@DstGridLat = lat_dst Opt@Debug = True ;-- call ESMF_regrid regridded = ESMF_regrid(sourcevar,Opt) regridded!0 = dimnames(0) ;-- named coordinate regridded!1 = dimnames(1) ;-- named coordinate regridded@coordinates = "lon lat" ;-- add coordinates attribute delete(regridded@lat2d) ;-- delete attribute array lat2d delete(regridded@lon2d) ;-- delete attribute array lon2d ;-- write regridded data to new netCDF file system("rm -rf") fout = addfile("","c") ;-- predefine the coordinate variables and their dimensionality dimNames = (/dimnames(0), dimnames(1)/) ;-- curvilinear grid: dimensions not lat/lon dimSizes = (/nlon, nlat/) ;-- dimension size of destination y/x dimUnlim = (/False, False/) filedimdef(fout,dimNames,dimSizes,dimUnlim) ;-- predefine the the dimensionality of the variables to be written out filevardef(fout, "lat", typeof(lat_dst), getvardims(lat_dst)) ;-- variable lat not dimension filevardef(fout, "lon", typeof(lon_dst), getvardims(lon_dst)) ;-- variable lon not dimension filevardef(fout, "E_GDS0_SFC", typeof(regridded), getvardims(regridded)) ;-- copy attributes associated with each variable to output file filevarattdef(fout,"lat", lat_dst) ;-- copy attributes from destination lat filevarattdef(fout,"lon", lon_dst) ;-- copy attributes from destination lon filevarattdef(fout,"E_GDS0_SFC", regridded) ;-- copy var_regrid attributes ;-- explicitly exit file definition mode (not required) setfileoption(fout,"DefineMode",False) ;-- write data to new file fout->E_GDS0_SFC = (/regridded/) fout->lat = (/lat_dst/) fout->lon = (/lon_dst/) delete(fout) ;-- close fout end if ;------------------------------------------------------- ;-- plot source and regridded data in a panel ;------------------------------------------------------- ;-- open file and read variables f = addfile("","r") var = f->E_GDS0_SFC var@lon2d = f->lon var@lat2d = f->lat ;-- open a workstation wks = gsn_open_wks("png","plot_regridded") ;-- plot resource settings res = True res@gsnDraw = False res@gsnFrame = False res@cnFillOn = True res@cnLinesOn = False res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels" res@cnMinLevelValF = -0.015 res@cnMaxLevelValF = 0.001 res@cnLevelSpacingF = 0.001 res@mpMinLatF = 39. res@mpMaxLatF = 56.5 res@mpMinLonF = 27. res@mpMaxLonF = 57. ;-- create plot of source data res@gsnCenterString = "source data" plot0 = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,sourcevar,res) ;-- create plot of regridded data res@trGridType = "TriangularMesh" res@gsnCenterString = "regridded data" plot1 = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,var,res) ;-- draw the panel gsn_panel(wks,(/plot0,plot1/),(/2,1/),True) end
ncl script.ncl
plot_regridded.png (75.1 KB) plot_regridded.png |
RE: Masking, remapping or some other way to reduce the file to some extent - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 6 years ago
By the way the agro.ecmwf.t00z.072612001.grb (latlon grid) can be remaped with CDO to other grids, the problem is the WRF file as target grid.