Incorrect lat-long to Lambert correlation
Added by Nikolay Yasinskiy over 6 years ago
Hello! We try to do the remapping from latlong model file to wrf projection with remapycon, but the result isn't correct. While remapping to other lat long extent works well.
Whatt could be the problem here? Files are applied:
gfs.t12z.pgrb2.0p25_103_2t_ramapcon.grb (118 KB) gfs.t12z.pgrb2.0p25_103_2t_ramapcon.grb | incorrect remapped latlong | ||
gfs.t12z.pgrb2.0p25_103_2t.grb (458 KB) gfs.t12z.pgrb2.0p25_103_2t.grb | latlong source | ||
WRFPRS_d01.15.grb (33.1 MB) WRFPRS_d01.15.grb | wrf with target lambert projection |
Replies (2)
RE: Incorrect lat-long to Lambert remapping - Added by Nikolay Yasinskiy over 6 years ago
remapping, not correlation
RE: Incorrect lat-long to Lambert correlation - Added by Nikolay Yasinskiy over 6 years ago
The problem is following:
If I do the remap,wrfgrid.txt infile outfile, then gfs model file is scaled to extent of wrf, but I need interpolation of the part, which is corresponding to the wrf extent. Should I do some masking? And how to do that with minimum errors.