


lowpass filter for 850 years data

Added by S BR over 6 years ago

Hi All,

I have 850 years surface temperature data with yearly frequency (850 time steps).
I would like to apply a 30-year lowpass filter to this time series but it is very difficult to understand how to calculate the 'fmax' value in this case.

cdo lowpass,fmax ifile ofile

Could you please explain what would be the 'fmax' value for this case.

CDO has made many things easier for the climate data analysis and it saves a lot of time. It would be nice if CDO can provide some examples for the lowpass/highpass/bandpass filters for the input data having various frequency (daily, monthly, yearly).


Replies (2)

RE: lowpass filter for 850 years data - Added by S BR over 6 years ago

Hi ralf,
As per the document, I have understood that 'fmax=1/30'. That is applying 30 years lowpass filter.
Hope, I am doing correct.

Thank you.
