Help in Handling Cosmo-DE grib files
Added by Ran Glattstein almost 7 years ago
I'm handling Cosmo-DE forecast files (grb1 format),
As you might know, that Cosmo grid is rotated to have North Pole at (40N, 170W), in addition it has a resolution of 0.025 degrees so we turn out to have :
This means Germany is somewhere inside [-5,5]x[-5,5] in the new grid.
I'm trying to truncate the files to have LOWER resolution of around ~0.125 degrees. since
What I tried to do is run:
"cdo -f grb -sellonlatbox,-5,5,-5,5 -random,r81x81 /tmp/_blah_.grib " (((1/0.125 * 10 + edge = 81)))
The command runs smoothly BUT:
1. the new file seems not to contain any parameter
2. the grid_type was changed from rotated_ll to regular_ll
(See below)
If you have any idea what happened here I would be so thankful to hear.
ORIGINAL ---->>>>
edition centre typeOfLevel level dataDate stepRange shortName packingType gridType
1 edzw heightAboveGround 10 20130401 0-13 VMAX_10M grid_simple rotated_ll
1 edzw surface 0 20130401 13 tcc grid_simple rotated_ll
1 edzw heightAboveGround 2 20130401 13 2t grid_simple rotated_ll
1 edzw heightAboveGround 2 20130401 13 RELHUM_2M grid_simple rotated_ll
1 edzw surface 0 20130401 0 ASWDIR_S grid_simple rotated_ll
1 edzw surface 0 20130401 0 ASWDIFD_S grid_simple rotated_ll
1 edzw heightAboveGround 10 20130401 13 10u grid_simple rotated_ll
1 edzw heightAboveGround 10 20130401 13 10v grid_simple rotated_ll
NEW --->>>>
edition centre typeOfLevel level dataDate stepRange shortName packingType gridType
1 0 surface 0 0 0 unknown grid_simple regular_ll
Replies (1)
RE: Help in Handling Cosmo-DE grib files - Added by Ran Glattstein almost 7 years ago
OK... an update:
Looks like I got it totally wrong with the -random option and it's not relevant for what I need.
Could you please help me understand how can I manage the reduction?