


Extending GRIB area definition

Added by Nigella Sanders about 7 years ago

I have a GRIB file defined on a limited area enclosed by lat1,lat2,lon1 and lon2.
Is there any way to extend there boundaries to make it global?
Data would be still defined on the original box and aditional area would be MISSING.
Just like in this photorealistic :) example:

test.png (2.48 KB) test.png

Replies (2)

RE: Extending GRIB area definition - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 7 years ago

Try the CDO operator remapnn. The extrapolation feature needs to be disabled by the environment variable REMAP_EXTRAPOLATE=off:

cdo remapnn,<targetgrid>  infile  outfile

RE: Extending GRIB area definition - Added by Nigella Sanders about 7 years ago

Thank you
It worked great!
