CDO CMOR setup
Added by Claire Trenham about 7 years ago
Hi there,
We're trying to get CDO CMOR installed at NCI (Australia), and I'm having some difficulties figuring out what's going wrong.
We believe we have a CDO module configured as described in the installation instructions, and I'm trying to test with a file that's already CMORised so I know it should "pass". However I always seem to get an error, even when I specify e.g. project_id. Is ".cdocmorinfo" required, and if so, where does it come from?
Example output below.
$ cdo cmor,cmip5-cmor-tables/Tables/CMIP5_Omon,project_id=CMIP5 /g/data/rr3/publications/CMIP5/output1/CSIRO-BOM/ACCESS1-0/historical/mon/ocean/Omon/r1i1p1/v20121203/zos/
cdo cmor: In checking wether a configuration file exist:
Empty file: '<current directory>/.cdocmorinfo'.
cdo cmor (Warning): Default file for keyword 'info': '<current directory>/.cdocmorinfo' does not exist.
cdo cmor (Abort): Attribute 'mip_era' or 'project_id' is required.
Replies (3)
RE: CDO CMOR setup - Added by Claire Trenham about 7 years ago
Update: I generated a .cdocmorinfo file and edited it to get rid of the errors, but it's not happy because I'm testing with CMIP5 tables and data, but I guess we've built CMOR3 which only supports CMIP6? Or is it because I'm using the cdocmorinfo file at all? Sorry, if someone could give us some assistance to get going that'd be great. We will want to CMORise CMIP6 data, but we'd also like to be able to work with existing CMIP5 and CORDEX data for the time being...
RE: CDO CMOR setup - Added by Fabian Wachsmann about 7 years ago
Hi Claire,
yes, CMOR 3 versions need MIP-tables in JSON format. Since no such MIP-table is available for CMIP5 and CORDEX, cdo cmor with CMOR 3 installed can only be applied with CMIP6 MIP-tables.
The same the other way around: cdo cmor with CMOR2 installed can only process MIP-tables in CMIP5-format (CORDEX tables exist in this format).
For variables which only have slightly changed from CMIP5 to CMIP6, it may be possible to create a 'double' compliant data by adding the missing CMIP5 metadata.
For example, you would have both 'institution_id' and 'institute_id' as global attributes in the output file. This could be a workaround if you do want to avoid two installations however I can not tell for how many variables this will be possible.
Global attributes like 'project_id' can be specified in info tables like '.cdocmorinfo'.
I provided an introduction hands-on here:
and I could give you access to test data if wished. Please ask for more specific assistance.
From your error msgs I think the installation of CDO with CMOR has worked on your system. Did you have difficulties?
Best regards,
RE: CDO CMOR setup - Added by Claire Trenham about 7 years ago
Hi Fabi,
Thanks for the slides, they're very helpful.
Indeed, the installation does appear to have been successful now I understand the tables situation a bit better. Sorry for the unclear help request, I was in the middle of having no idea what was wrong then!
If you could point me to some test data (say the examples referred to in the documentation "/work/bm0021/cdo_incl_cmor/examples") that would be immensely helpful. If this data can't be made public that's fine, please feel free to contact me directly at Claire . Trenham @ csiro . au (spaces removed) and we can work something out.
thanks for the quick response!