


Pentad climatology to compute anomalies

Added by Justin Hicks over 7 years ago


I have pentad (5-day) time steps in my dataset (from Jan 1980 - Dec 2015, so 2628 total time steps). I took out all the leap days so that every year has 73 pentads (73*5=365 days). I want to find the climatology of each pentad. For example, I want to average the values in pentad 1 (Jan 1st-Jan 5th) for each year. So, in total, I will have 73 pentad averages. Once I do this, I will be able to subtract each pentad average from each individual pentad to get pentad anomalies. Is there a command I can use for the climatology?



Replies (1)

RE: Pentad climatology to compute anomalies - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 7 years ago

Calculate the climatology for each day with ydaymean and do a five day mean with timselmean,5 afterwards:

cdo  timselmean,5  -ydayavg  infile  outfile
