Remapping data without interpolation
Added by Anna marra over 7 years ago
I hope someone can help me. I work with satellite precipitation data on irregular grids. I usually perform the regrid of these data on a regular grid by means of bilinear interpolation. For some of the variables, anyway, for example the quality index associated to precipitation estimate, I do not want to interpolate, but I would like to associate the most frequent value in the original grid to each remapped grid box. I mean, if I remap from a fine (3kmx5km) to a coarse (25kmx25km) resolution, I would like to associate to each 25kmx25km gridbox the modal value of the quality index. Is it possible to do it by means of some CDO operator?
Thank you in advance.
Replies (2)
RE: Remapping data without interpolation - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 7 years ago
Hi Anna,
you can use the remaplaf operator - 'The result of remaplaf is the index with the largest area fraction for each target grid cell'.
cdo remaplaf,targetgrid infile outfile
RE: Remapping data without interpolation - Added by Anna marra over 7 years ago
Hi Karin,
thank you very much for your answer. I had already tried with remaplaf, but unfortunately I got the message "cdo remaplaf (Abort): Unsupported grid type: generic". Maybe this is because remaplaf needs grid cell corner coordinates, while my file contains only lat/lon of the grid cell center. Could be this the explanation? If so, I understood that cdo is not able to "reconstruct" the missing coordinates and actually my grid is linked to the original orbit of the radiometer. Is there any other chance to get by cdo what I asked at the beginning? It would be very frustrating to have to do that by means of other time-consuming procedures.
Thank you in advance.