


Compile Error: "", line 100: error: more than one instance of overloaded function

Added by Jianhui Jiang over 7 years ago

I am using pgi/17.7 to compile CDO in a Linux machine (Red Hat). The ./configure completed without any error, but when I 'make' it, I got the following error:

"", line 100: error: more than one instance of overloaded function
          "isnan" matches the argument list:
            function "isnan(double)" 
            function "std::isnan(double)" 
            argument types are: (double)
        *rmean = DBL_IS_EQUAL(rsumw, 0.) ? missval : rsum/rsumw;

"", line 100: error: more than one instance of overloaded function
          "isnan" matches the argument list:
            function "isnan(double)" 
            function "std::isnan(double)" 
            argument types are: (double)
        *rmean = DBL_IS_EQUAL(rsumw, 0.) ? missval : rsum/rsumw;

"", line 100: error: more than one instance of overloaded function
          "isnan" matches the argument list:
            function "isnan(double)" 
            function "std::isnan(double)" 
            argument types are: (double)
        *rmean = DBL_IS_EQUAL(rsumw, 0.) ? missval : rsum/rsumw;

"", line 100: error: more than one instance of overloaded function
          "isnan" matches the argument list:
            function "isnan(double)" 
            function "std::isnan(double)" 
            argument types are: (double)
        *rmean = DBL_IS_EQUAL(rsumw, 0.) ? missval : rsum/rsumw;

4 errors detected in the compilation of "".

How could I fix it?
Thanks a lot for your help!

Replies (2)

RE: Compile Error: "", line 100: error: more than one instance of overloaded function - Added by Jianhui Jiang over 7 years ago

Finally fix it after a whole day exploration...Just specialize `CC=gcc CXX=''` when .\configure.
