Running the cygwin64 CDO binary from Windows command prompt
Added by Andreas Hilboll over 7 years ago
Is there a way to run the cdo.exe cygwin64 binary from within the Windows command shell (or, even better, from the python-cdo bindings outside Cygwin)?
I would like to use the python-cdo bindings on Windows 10 64bit from a Python program which is not running within Cygwin itself. My (naive?) idea was to set the CDO environment variable to something like "C:\cygwin64\bin\RUN_IN_CYGWIN C:\PATH\TO\cdo.exe", but somehow this doesn't work, because I cannot seem to figure out what RUN_IN_CYGWIN should be.
Any ideas?
Replies (2)
RE: Running the cygwin64 CDO binary from Windows command prompt - Added by Andreas Hilboll over 7 years ago
So I just found one solution, which is
c:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe C:/Users/hilboll/Documents/cdo/cdo.exe mulc,33 C:/Users/hilboll/emiprep/tests/testdata/
This should work (haven't tried with the Python bindings yet), but opens and closes the mintty window. I would still prefer a solution without mintty.
RE: Running the cygwin64 CDO binary from Windows command prompt - Added by Andreas Hilboll over 7 years ago
Okay, so the mintty "solution" does not work for the python-cdo bindings, because those need to access stdout and stderr, so I'm stuck again.